During Pregnancy, the body experiences many hormonal and physical changes. Some of these physical developments can cause difficulties throughout the pregnancy. However, a lot of these discomforts can be resolved by highly trained Physiotherapists who treat pelvic and rib related dysfunctions due to the baby’s growth and related postural changes; ligament laxity with the release of the hormone relaxin; and core muscle weakness including the pelvic floor.
Yek has specialist training related to the issues that pregnancy and child birth can cause. Our services include:
- Whole body assessment and treatment of any musculoskeletal issues related to pregnancy such as lumbo-pelvic pain (could be presented as low back, pelvis, sacro-iliac joint or hip pain)
- Ante & post-natal Pilates core exercises
- Post-natal exercise programs and returning to sports after giving birth
- Rectus diastasis assessment and treatment
- De Quervain’s thumb tendonitis
It is recommended that at 6 weeks post-partum, mums should have a post-natal physio check where the pelvis alignment, rib alignment, and rectus abdominus diastasis is measured and the alignment can be corrected. Six weeks post-partum is normally when your Obstetrician advise you can start exercising again. Its very important that your pelvis and ribs are in good alignment before you start exercising again as pregnancy and childbirth affects these. Very often new mums have many musculoskeletal pains such as upper back pain from feeding positions, and lower back pain from lifting the baby in non-optimal ways. Everyone is so focused on the baby and often the mother gets neglected. We get mums functional again and back to their preferred exercises and advise on the best postures to avoid pain. The rectus diastasis can vary from a superficial tear that is only a few centimetres long to a deep, full thickness tear from the chest to the pubic bone. Physiotherapist will conduct a detailed assessment, skilled palpation and functional tests to determine the extent and severity of the rectus diastasis. We would then be able to advise clients specifically on how to optimize healing, prescribe rectus diastasis corrective exercises to aid closing up the gap and appropriate types and levels of exercise.